Cornerstone Dental Group Blog

Woman getting a massage

How to Make Oral Health Part of Your Self-Care Routine

From sheet masks to adult coloring books to meditation apps, self-care is all the rage these days. We don’t see any reason why your dental health and oral hygiene can’t be part of this new, trendy way of making yourself feel and function better.

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Young woman with braces

Teeth Cleanings With Braces

If you have braces, you're probably very excited about seeing your brand new smile. However, that smile might not be as bright as you thought if you don't take proper care of your teeth during your orthodontic treatment.

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Smiling Girl with Tooth Tray

Your Guide to At-Home Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is one of the most popular cosmetic treatments that patients ask us about. Luckily, it is also one of the easiest

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Girl Boxer With Braces Holding Mouthguard

Yes, Custom Mouthguards Really Are Better

As dentists, we're nuts about prevention, and one of the biggest ways you can prevent the need for emergency dental care is to wear a mouthguard.

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Happy Surprised Young Lady Laughing

Just Got a Crown? Here Are Some At-Home Care Tips

Getting a dental crown is a very common treatment. In an ideal world, all of our patients would have healthy strong teeth that never needed repair, but the reality is that we perform crown procedures quite frequently

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Sparkling water in glasses

Yes, Your Sparkling Water Is Bad for Your Teeth

We hate to burst your bubble, but if you though you were avoiding damaging your teeth by swapping soda for sparkling water, we're afraid it's not quite true.

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Surprised Little Girl

Weird Facts You Didn’t Know About Saliva

Dentists and hygienists are always sucking saliva away or blowing your teeth dry. You'd think we had something against it. But the truth is that saliva is very beneficial to your oral health.

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Young woman sleeping

Here’s How We Know You Clench & Grind Your Teeth

A dentist or a dental hygienist can take a quick look inside your mouth and tell you whether you clench and grind your teeth in your sleep

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Smiling Dental Hygienist

Four Things Your Hygienist Wishes You Knew

Dental hygienists see thousands and thousands of patients’ mouths each year. They know that no two people’s mouths or oral health are quite the same. Nonetheless, there are some things that patients don’t know about caring for their smiles that seem to come up again and again.

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